What's New?
Our articles, written by our own doctors and staff, are packed with amazing tidbits and facts about what is new in general dentistry, what’s new in our office, and they also have tips on preventive dental care. Though we feel nostalgic about our printed newsletters that we used to send in regular mail, some of which you can see pictured here, we have moved to posting our articles here on our website. Click on any title that interests you below and enjoy!

Dental Implants
Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies
COVID-19 Update
Dr. Presley-Nelson’s Dental Office Re-opening
Dental Implants: Replacement Teeth That Look and Feel Like Your Own
Bruxism-Clenching and Grinding
Cracked Tooth Syndrome
Reversible and Irreversible Pulpitis
Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder
What is an Abscess?
Check out our informative blog
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Our doctors are writers!
For many years our dental office published its own newsletter on paper, which was mailed to each patient household. You can see some examples pictured above. Our newsletter often featured artwork commissioned from young patients and it had a yearly joke contest which many patients competed in. It was lots of fun but when it came time to go electronic, we switched to dispensing information on our website, saving many trees from our hearty mailers.
This doesn’t mean that our doctors quit writing! Now you can read our doctors great articles right here on our website, and you can keep up with what’s new in the office on our blog, Facebook, and Twitter. All can be accessed easily through this website, see the buttons above. Not all dentists take such an educational approach with their patients. Dr. Presley-Nelson and Dr. Fung are well educated, keep up with the latest, and enjoy sharing their knowledge with their treasured Family of patients. Enjoy!